Language: English
Marie Kryszko, Lentukesq (Deer woman who walks with Grace), Elder, Traditional Knowledge Keeper, mother, grand mother, and great grand mother is your hostess for Kryszko's Cultural Authentic Journey - Marie grew up in Big River, from Pabineau First Nations & presently lives in Bass River, NB. Marie brings over 25 years of experience with Indigenous knowledge, ceremonies, and cultural awareness. Performs opening prayers, songs, hand drumming, smudging ceremonies, motivational speaker, key note speaker, full / new moon ceremonies, closing prayers, and also, she facilitates cultural awareness presentation / workshops for team building, staff gathering, and conferences. Uniquely modified while incorporating her life experiences with Medicine Wheel Teachings and seven sacred teachings: Using Mi’kmaq language (learning one word at the time); Mi’kmaq education, and art therapy. This Authentic Mi’kmaq Cultural experience will take you on a journey perfect for you, your workplace, your team, your organization, and your business. Marie is a positive role model in local and surrounding communities. and last quote: I received the following quote from a past workshop: “Marie offers traditional teachings in a way that engages any group with her energetic and wise approach.” Live, love, laugh… Yours in sisterhood,